Tel: (786) 567-8310

Many Women Have Very Low Iron and Don’t Realize It

Iron deficiency occurs in 25% of all women who have menstrual periods. It affects the whole body, because all the muscles of the body require iron to use energy. There is no way to know that your iron is low without testing the iron level (ferritin), but most women do not have their iron tested. The main reason for this is the misunderstanding that iron level and hemoglobin level are the same. 

If your iron is found to be low, you may need an iron infusion. Oral iron supplements are unlikely to provide enough iron for you because your body has limited capacity to absorb iron. Also, iron supplements often cause queasiness or constipation, so many women are not able to take them. When your doctor tells you to try oral iron, they may not realize how limited it is and how unlikely it is to help you. 

Iron infusions have become easier and are now widely accepted as a treatment for women who have low iron. The benefits include raising your iron level, raising your hemoglobin level, and avoiding the need for blood transfusions. Iron infusions are now provided safely and easily in women’s health infusion centers. You do not need to see a cancer specialist for an iron infusion.

Our mission at Heme Onc Call is to identity and treat all women who need iron. We aim to improve the health and well-being of women who have low iron. Our evaluation also includes reviewing the cause of having low iron: either malabsorption or heavy menstrual bleeding.

All women who have menstrual periods are advised to request annual iron testing (ferritin). Ask your primary care physician or gynecologist about iron testing, or contact Heme Onc Call for a televisit appointment to plan iron testing and treatment.

Heme Onc Call is a telemedicine-based hematology practice specializing in women’s health hematology. Call for a next-day hematology telemedicine appointment, 786-567-8310, or visit


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