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Pregnancy Hematology

As hematologists focused on women’s health, we have been helping women experiencing iron deficiency, clotting and low platelet counts during pregnancy.

For years, it was assumed that anemia during pregnancy was normal. However, through research, professionals discovered that iron deficiency was the issue behind pregnant women’s anemia. Currently 25% of all pregnant women experience a level of iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency during pregnancy can lead to multiple consequences. For instance, children born to iron deficient mothers may have impaired cognitive, motor, social and emotional development. Although iron deficiency is treatable, there is a lack of awareness among women and physicians and a poor understanding of the difference between iron testing and hemoglobin testing. This confusion results in many pregnant women not knowing that they are iron deficient.

Pregnancy is also associated with blood clots, deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism. Symptoms of DVT include swelling of the legs and overall pain, which should be evaluated promptly.

Heme Onc Call uses testing that searches for clotting tendency mutations, anticoagulant medications to dissolve blood clots and maintenance medications to prevent more clots throughout the pregnancy.

Low blood platelet count is another common blood problem among pregnant women. Occurring in the final month of pregnancy, having low blood platelet counts usually results in gestational thrombocytopenia, a harmless condition. However, low platelet counts are immune-mediated and require treatment. The goal is to keep the platelet count more than 50 throughout the pregnancy and more than 80 to ensure that epidural anesthesia is safe.

Iron deficiency, blood clots and low blood platelet counts can all pose challenges for pregnant women and provoke anxiety for obstetricians. These issues may even cause pregnant women to have an early delivery or a C-section.

Heme Onc Call, the first and only telemedicine hematology practice, aims to reform women’s health hematology. Our team wants to ensure pregnant women no longer need to visit an oncologist for these pregnancy needs. Instead, schedule a next-day virtual appointment with our team to discuss blood-related issues.


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